依據歐盟食品安全局 (EFSA)對於食品中鉛的意見,該局確定鉛會導致幼兒的發育神經毒性和成人的心血管問題和腎毒性,並擔心目前的膳食鉛暴露量可能會影響胎兒、嬰兒和兒童的神經發育。另外,考量食品法典委員會CODEX在第41及第42會議中降低了食鹽、食用內臟、酒類的鉛限量,歐盟將透過降低目前的限量來減少食品中鉛的暴露風險。最後也基於同樣的原因,並且打擊詐欺行為 (例如在將黃中添加鉻酸鉛),因此也確定香(辛)料中的鉛限量。
- 幼兒配方食品
- 部分蔬菜
- Root and tuber vegetables (excluding salsifies, fresh ginger and fresh turmeric), bulb vegetables, flowering brassica, head brassica, kohlrabies, legume vegetables and stem vegetables
- Wild fungi, fresh turmeric and fresh ginger
- 從2022年水果收穫開始生產的酒類產品
- Wine (including sparkling wine and excluding liqueur wine), cider, perry and fruit wine, produced from the fruit harvest of 2022
- Aromatised wine, aromatised wine-based drinks and aromatised wine-product cocktails, produced from the fruit harvest of 2022
- Liqueur wine made from grapes, produced from the 2022 grape harvest
- 乾燥香辛料
- Dried spices: fruit spices, root and rhizome spices, bark spices, bud spices, and flower stigma spices, seed spices
- 鹽
- 以粉末形式銷售的嬰兒配方食品及較大嬰兒配方食品
Infant formulae and follow-on formulae marketed in powdered form.
- 嬰幼兒加工穀物食品和嬰兒食品
Processed cereal-based foods and baby foods for infants and young children
- 以粉末形式銷售的嬰幼兒特殊醫療用途食品
Foods for special medical purposes intended specifically for infants and young children marketed in powdered form
- 嬰幼兒飲料
Infant and young children's drinks
- 牛、羊、豬、禽的內臟
Offal of bovine animals, sheep, pigs and poultry